Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is this a new Leonardo Da Vinci?

A group of Da Vinci experts have announced that this is a previously unrecognized painting.

"Salvator Mundi", is by Leonardo. There are many versions of this painting in circulation, all copies done by other artists, but careful examination of the under-painting has shown that this painter made radical changes in the positions of the fingers as he worked, suggesting this is the original.

In my opinion, It clearly uses Da Vinci's Stumato technique, meaning the face is without lines or borders, and appears to be slightly out-of-focus. The technique is very close to what was used in the Mona Lisa. The eyelids are handled in a very similar way, and it almost looks as though the two paintings were rendered under the same studio lighting. The folds of the wrinkles in the sleeves on both paintings look like they were done by the same hand. It feels right to me.

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